Investigative Journalists: The Muckrakers


How did the muckrakers expose corruption and the powerful? Tapping into the emerging fields of social work and the rise of progressive policy making, the muckrakers ignited a groundswell of support for reform.

Create Your Own Story

While the muckrakers often exposed injustices in their news stories, they were inspired to do so by the civic actions of everyday Americans. The same is true today. In this final activity, you will have the opportunity to create your own front-page news story on a modern-day issue in which an individual or group is attempting to fight corruption or injustice.


  1. Choose one of the images in the carousel that focuses on workers’ rights, civil rights, voting rights, women’s rights, or the environment. Use the image to help you answer the question: How are modern-day journalists exposing current problems in the tradition of the muckrakers based on the activism of everyday citizens
  2. Read two or three articles on your topic using reliable sources that you have used in class or your teacher recommends.

As you write your article, keep the following in mind:

  1. Length: 2–3 paragraphs.
  2. Include basic facts (who, what, where, when, why, how).
  3. State how corruption or injustice are involved and what actions people are taking to improve the situation.
  4. Decide which news format you would like to use, newspaper or website.
  5. Give your article a title and add a headline (a good headline catches the reader’s attention in some way).

Please select your media type.

Volume IIV
March 13, 2025
Issue 001

Your Title

Select Image

Your Subheading

Your Copy

Journalism Matters is part of the Teaching with Primary Sources Partner Program.
Supported by a grant from the Library of Congress