Create your Own Social Media Post
During the election of 1800, newspapers became the main source of information about the candidates, President John Adams, the incumbent, and Thomas Jefferson, Adams' challenger and then-vice-president. A key source of the press' mudslinging centered on Adams' Alien and Sedition Acts, which restricted the activities of foreign residents and limited freedom of speech and of the press. In short, the Sedition Act made it illegal through fines and imprisonment to criticize the government, including the president. The act expired when Jefferson took office in 1800, and he pardoned nearly a dozen individuals convicted for seditious libel.
The Assignment
In this scenario, you are the social media producer in the newsroom of "Primary Sources Today, Tomorrow and Forever." Your editor has assigned you to write a post about the Alien and Sedition Acts, which remains a contentious topic in U.S. history. Since this is a simulation-- no actual social media posts will be made. You will write the original social media post, and create your own comments.
First, learn more about the Alien and Sedition Acts by examining the documents below. Choose one source you would like to feature. Then write a post about one of the laws as a way to bring awareness to readers before responding with a handful of comments. Practice smart digital citizenship by creating a post that delivers the news in a thoughtful way and comments that agree or respectfully disagree with the initial post.
Create Post

PBS NewsHour Classroom